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Assassin's creed Rogue Review

Assassin's Creed Rogue is a stealth adventure game genre which is developed by Ubisoft Sofia for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games that adopt European history in World War. This game also will release to the PC market in the early of 2015.

This Assassin’s Creed Rogue released for worldwide by Ubisoft on 11 November 2014 not to long after the Assassin’s Creed Unity was launched. One main difference is this assassin’s creed Unity design for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, it also available fo PC but only via Stem. 

For you who play this game, you will act as Cormac Patrick Shay, the assassin who became Templar.

This game setting is taken from the events after Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – 18th Century when war happened between France against Indian. Assassin’s Creed Rouge is prequel of Assassin’s Creed III which the end of this game has correlation in Assassin’s creed unity as an intro.

Assassin’s Creed Rogue gameplay isn’t much different from the prequel the assassin’s creed IV: Black Flag. The player will give an adventure in third person view, Warship combat; mix with land adventures like the old Assassin’s creed. It also added with new features to make this new game little bit different from previous game.

Assassin's creed Rogue

Assassin’s Creed Rogue new feature like while on the warship, among other weapon such as discharged oil that dumped into water and then burned to create flame on the surface, puckle gun (machine gun with foot), and also the enemies can climb up into the warship battle. Another feature like marine environments that make view of ship exploration becomes real, like breaking the iceberg. 

Assassin's creed Rogue

There is a wide variety of challenging mission in this game, but as long as the player do mission, there will be less and becomes little bit boring. Despite that, the story of this game is quite interesting like player will find the information about Templars and Abstergo (multinational company which founded by Templar). 

Overall, this game is quite interesting, although when viewing the content that provided in this game more like DLC from the Assassin’s creed IV: Black Flag, but the information that disclosed in this game especially for Templar fair enough.

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