The New weapon OA 93 Gold Project Blackout is one of the best new weapon which is excellent to use. The flashlight about this OA 93 Weapon in the battle situation at project blackout game the author met one enemy which carrying this weapon.
In this article I will give you a short review from how deathly this weapon. Before I am reviewing about this weapon, let’s read the information from the website of project blackout
The New weapon OA 93 Gold Project Blackout in this really great opportunity, Project Blackout will release an update weapon from “OA-93” which is really interested by so many trooper become “OA-93 Gold”.
The New weapon OA 93 Gold as a great one shoot shooting weapon with more ammo to make you feel comfortable to use it without getting worry about reload. The damage of OA 93 Gold better than before and the result is more effective to attack.
The New weapon OA 93 Gold Use zoom dot sight which can increase your accuracy and lower the recoil from this weapon. We can pronounce to you “Next Generation Dual Weapon” because one of this weapon features is “dual mode”. By using this dual mode you can kill your opponent more quickly than before.
The New weapon OA 93 Gold Project Blackout from the information above can be concluded that this is a great machine gun. In fact when I was in the game and found the enemy which uses this weapon I died quickly, I don’t know maybe just 1 second head to head then “tretrdredtre” i am death.
In the project blackout game and I played in Luxville map, couple time I found the troopers which use this OA 93 Gold weapon. I haven’t tried it yet because when I played there are no friends which are using this weapon, how lucky me!!!
The New weapon OA 93 Gold Project Blackout can be set into dual shot mode which makes us easy to kill enemy. This mode best for middle to close range combat, the reason is because when we use this dual mode, we can’t use dot zoom scope. So use it in the right time.
The New weapon OA 93 Gold Project Blackout can be bought by Gcash of course, while the OA 93 non gold can be purchased by point. Choose it by your own budget of course.
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