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Suggestion Due to Town hall rush Clash of Clans

I bet there are so much tips strategy that suggest you about all clash of clans walk through.  But in here we are talking more detail about them all and i compile anything around the internet about clash of clans strategy. For today we will discuss about what should we do after town hall rush in Clash of clans, because of that rushing thing will lead into another problems. let's talk about it.

For all of you who have been in town hall rush, i believe you will get this results. 
  1. You will get penalty lots because you rush it. For example you raid the lower level town hall, for me town hall 10 and rush town hall 9, there will get penalty. i don't know how much but there is still penalty.
  2. You will hard to loot because the enemy always get low gold and elixir due to that penalty.
  3. your base is vulnerable when attacking by same level town hall.
  4. the cost of nexting is more expensive than before

That are only little experience that i felt it when i rush my town hall. So let's talk about how do we handle this situation about town hall rushing? for me there are lot of solution which you can use it and maybe you can add it to make it better solution for all clasher who in same situation like us.

Suggestion because of town hall rush clash of clans below 
  • Don't be panic because of those all problems. stay calm and play it regularly. 
Don't be frustrated, find the best ways to play this game. If you are a clasher who always on each hours, i suggest use low cost troops in raiding like barbarians and archers. Those troops is great to use in that scenario because low cost and fast to made. Do this regularly.

But if you aren't always on each hours, maybe just couple hours in one day, i suggest you to use high level army like giant, valkyrie, witch, golem, wizard, healer, and hogrider to be your choice in raiding. for me i will use giwivahe AKA giant, wizard, valkyrie, and healer. I do this to get at leat 200.000 gold and 150.000 elixir, and 500 DE. you might get better result if you are patience to wait. this method is better than else because you have win and get the lots in every raiding.
  • Find best trophy range 
When you are in rushing town hall, everything more complicated and really hard to gain, so find the best trophy range. This mean you have to find best league for your base. For me i do feel better in gold league no matter what trophies range as long its still in gold, i am good.

How do we know this is the best trophy range for us? find your at least 5 logs when your base in raid. If your enemy can't attack until get 2-3 stars it's mean you are in good range.

  • Find clan which always in WAR 
When you are in clans which is not a war clans, i believe opportunities to get more loots is vanish. In War clans, i love to find the regular war clan, i mean every time is war. WARCLAN can be found with this characteristic, After winning one war  there will continues to find another war. It's mean continues war ever. 

The reason is when we are in warclan, try to find the best war clan to make you get one steps closer to all loots in war clan. Winning in warclan will give you lots of loots, for me everytime we won, i got at least 500.000 gold, 400.000 elixir. hmmm...what do you think?? great ways right? But what if we lost war? don't worry we still got compensation from war, not much but still cover our expenditure in warclan.

So that is the best thing to do when we are in town hall rush  clash of clans. I have done all the methods above, and still upgrading any building and troops in there. Yes of course there is not as fast as when we are in regular town hall, but this is another best ways i thing.

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Related : Suggestion Due to Town hall rush Clash of Clans

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