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Shotgun Weapon Title in Project Blackout

Shotgun Weapon Title in Project Blackout is very important in generating a good performance. A Point blank player or Project Blackout who want to be success and become a PRO should be aware of the types of each title in any kind of weapons. For your reference, here is a post about title that used in shotgun weapon Project blackout.

Shotgun Weapon title here is taken and adapted based on research from the author and finally gets a proper title for the Point Blank player or Project Blackout player that uses this Shotgun weapon.

Title Weapon Shotgun originally taken from some forums at Indonesian Pointblank. Here is the title shotgun that can be used to obtain good results. You might take a look at the following picture:

Shotgun Weapon title at here is already using three slots. If the 3 slots title of the Project blackout is not open yet, you can try another one. Let’s back to the title above which is used is the final title of Assailt soldier, and Sniper soldier. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Based experiments resulted in a focus of shooting level. Please take a look at the following picture.

Title Weapons Shotgun Project Blackout Game above had been tried and the outcome in anyone player is different each other, so the results of using this title that I send here can be based on ability (skills), performance support tool (keyboard, mouse) and also internet connection.

Title Weapon shotgun Project Blackout
Shotgun Weapon Title in Project Blackout

Let us compare the two pictures of title shotgun of Project Blackout above.

The two screenshot taken in different moment and different title, but still at the same position (Map) of firing range. Take note the red circle below, bullet blows on the wall.

Title Weapons Shotgun picture 1:
Title Shotgun Weapons are generally often used by (major ups), and almost all users who use this Shotgun. The result of this title firing target is not focus at all, the bullet is far away from the green dot.  I believe this title still can be used when doing war at close range combat, but in  the far range combat it won’t be effective.

Shotgun  Project Blackout
Shotgun Weapon Title in Project Blackout

Shotgun title no 2

This title is rarely be used  because actually this is an AWP title (sniper), but I really love this title even the reload is not as fast as in the first picture, but the firing result more focus and not spread it, we can see it in the green dot. So if this shotgun title be used in any kind of range combat, not only in close range combat but also in far away combat, I believe the result is fantastic. One shot one kill I guess.

Shotgun title
Shotgun Weapon Title in Project Blackout

Like I said before the result by using this kind of title will be different each player, but this picture can be used for prove that this title is great.  Well this is the end of my article about shotgun Weapon title Project Blackout. If you like it you can hit the beacon below, thanks for coming

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