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Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout

Clash of Clans TH9 is another steps in climbing into TH 10 COC game. Although there are lots base design out there especially in Google images, but in here i pick what is the excellent defensive base from other. So here we go to give you another great strategy especially in this Town Hall 9 farming base layout. Basically you should know what is farming base right? this base will abandon the Town Hall in the corner of the map or even just in outside of the wall, that means farming.

Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout here will definitely safe your resources like Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir from attacker and raider who want to take it from you. So let's check it out TH9 Farming Base below to give you detail about it.

Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout
Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout 
This Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout here some people called it with pyramid base. maybe because its pattern that looks like with the pyramid itself. This TH9 base now commonly used by some clasher who still ini Town Hall 9 because its safety. Yes of course there is no base out there which is best of the best because always has weaknesess. But this Town Hall 9 as good as it look for you who save many loots.

Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout
Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Farming Base Layout above is just an example of TH9 Farming base Clash of Clans game. Hopefully you love this base design and give me feedback or comment about it. You might be love to read another great article Perfect Farming Base Town Hall 9 COC.

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